The inaugural Baja International Tourist Cup that was intended to take place next month, has been postponed because of the ongoing worldwide Covid-19 pandemic.
Enthusiastic event promoter Pedro Vargas Valdez, yesterday issued via Facebook the following reasons around the decision to postpone North America’s newest pure road race, which is now hoped to take centre stage from the 30th-31st October.

“The foregoing reflects my intention to primarily safeguard the physical integrity of competitors, support teams, staff and race officials, as well as the general public.
Not having the certainty of being able to guarantee optimal medical care in case of an accident around and during the realisation of our events, given the large hospital occupation prevailing in the region, is one of the factors determining our decision.
Next the sanitary conditions require a protocol that can be carried out but which detracts and almost eliminates the social aspect of these races, which has been characteristic of our way of operating, prioritising a friendly atmosphere and camaraderie that my family and I always aspire for our events.
Finally I must also take into account the global conditions that have wisely restricted the movement of people by air, sea and land, as well as the temporary suspension of travel permits in several countries in Europe and South America where we also have registered competitors.
It would be unfair for us to carry on as planned, without their participation, deteriorating the International aspect to which we also aspire for both competitions.”
Words by Stevie Rial, quotes via Baja Tarmac Racing Facebook group page #dontletfearcontrolyou