Dean’s Debrief – A Candid Insight Into A Multi Time TT Winner’s Career

Dean’s Debrief – A Candid Insight Into A Multi Time TT Winner’s Career

Providing a candid, open insight into the career of current senior TT Champion Dean Harrison, the recently launched Dean’s Debrief podcast series is a must listen for pure road racing fans.

Mixing humour with a concise inside take on the pure road racing fraternity, the Drystone Radio recorded podcast series gives listeners a greater sense of the sporting individual behind the helmet.

Additionally from listening to the first episodes what gets across most is the normality of Bradford’s Harrison.

That’s one of the greatest aspects about reporting on pure road racing, the people involved like three times TT winner Harrison are just like society around us but have this unique, unrivalled super power of been able to achieve tumultuous, ground breaking, prodigious feats from racing on public roads.

Via Dean’s Debrief you’ll gain more about what it takes to compete at the highest level within in my opinion, the most exciting form of motorsport worldwide.

Speaking about his new podcast, Oliver’s Mount, Scarborough lap record holder Harrison stated:

“Road racing’s my job, but unlike most people I get cheered when I turn up to work and do my job well!

There’s lot of interest in what a sportsman’s working days involve and this is a really good way of letting people know what being a road racer is all about.

So far we’ve covered what fills my off-season days; how it felt to win last year’s Senior TT and achieve one of my biggest goals; and answered a load of really good and some really stupid questions posed by people on social media.

I’ve also let slip I don’t like badminton or doing the dishes, and stupidly agreed to let listeners challenge me at something they reckon they can beat me at.”

Co-anchor, Daniel Kennedy provided additional comment:

“I was only introduced to road racing a couple of years ago and so am coming at things from the angle of being an excited new fan of the sport.

As a result, I don’t want to dwell too much on the technical and mechanical aspects of things, but more what goes into being a professional sportsmen and what makes Dean tick.

The Peter Crouch and Jimmy Anderson podcasts give an amazing insight into what being a professional footballer or cricketer is all about, and hopefully Dean’s Debrief can do the same for road racing.”

Words by Stevie Rial, quotes courtesy of Daniel Kennedy

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