A two times support class winner at the Pre TT Classic Road Races, tenth place finisher within the 2010 Newcomers A MGP, 2019 Andreas Racing Association Classic Champion Darran Creer is the next competitor to take part in Road Racing News rising in popularity, Manx GP Top 6 series.
Son of illustrious Sidecar TT campaigner Jimmy Creer, his answers to the Mountain Course themed set of questions are as follows:
Q1: When you first competed at the Manx, what was your first initial thought of the Mountain Course?
“Difficult to put into words. As a Manxman born and bred, you’re racing on roads you drive every day, past friends houses, your old school, it was all a bit surreal.”
Q2: Most memorable Manx GP bike?
“My 1st ever race bike which was an ex Jason Griffiths 2003 R6 (Yamaha), that I rode in my first MGP in 2010.”
Photo by Nick Wheeler
Q3: Most treasured memory from the Manx?
“Crossing the finish line at the end of my Newcomers A race, sense of achievement and relief, all rolled into one, then straight to the beer tent with family and friends.”
Q4: Is there one specific Manx GP competitor that you look up to?
“It would have to be Chris Mitchell, racing around the mountain with one arm is absolutely incredible!”
Q5: Describe the Manx GP in one word?
Q6: Finally, if you could race one machine from any series, championship around the Mountain Course, what would it be?
“Definitely the Britten.”
Words by Stevie Rial