Full wrap up of all the results from the 21 races, which formed part of the 28th running of the Greymouth Street Races.
Bears Race 1:
1 Dan McKenzie
2 Tony Howe
3 Jonny Lewis
4 Ashton Hughes
5 Craig Thomas
6 Jeremy Kortegast
7 Heath Botica
8 Brett Wilson
9 Kevin Leybourne
10 Conrad Smith
11 Ryan Carlton
12 Vince Burrell
13 Tony Tomasi
14 Isaac Fisher
15 David Dixon
16 Paul Bishop
17 Matthew Vavasour
18 Kevin Ryan
19 Peter Harper
20 Kane Bentley
Bears Race 2:
1 Ashton Hughes
2 Tony Howe
3 Jonny Lewis
4 Craig Thomas
5 Heath Botica
6 Brett Wilson
7 Jeremy Kortegast
8 Ryan Carlton
9 David Dixon
10 Neville Hughes
11 Tony Tomasi
12 Paul Bishop
13 Kevin Leybourne
14 Richard Markham-Barrett
15 Isaac Fisher
16 Vince Burrell
17 Kevin Ryan
18 Peter Harper
19 Conrad Smith
20 Craig Morgan
21 Michael Taylor
22 Matthew Vavasour
Bears Race 3:
1 Ashton Hughes
2 Jonny Lewis
3 Heath Botica
4 Tony Howe
5 Brett Wilson
6 Craig Thomas
7 Jeremy Kortegast
8 Richard Markham-Barrett
9 David Dixon
10 Neville Hughes
11 Tony Tomasi
12 Paul Bishop
13 Craig Morgan
14 Kevin Leybourne
15 Paul Fisher
16 Vince Burrell
17 Conrad Smith
18 Peter Harper
19 Mark Furniss
20 Isaac Fisher
21 Michael Taylor
22 Kevin Ryan
23 Matthew Vavasour
Buckets Race 1:
1 Dan Jenkins
2 Kane Bentley
3 Tim Gerard
4 Paul Jameson
5 Jarrad Winter
6 Greg Goessi
7 Phil Dittmer
8 Benjamin Green
9 Elliott Woolhouse
10 Peter Laurence
Buckets Race 2:
1 Dan Jenkins
2 Kane Bentley
3 Tim Gerard
4 Paul Jameson
5 Jarrad Winter
6 Greg Goessi
7 Phil Dittmer
8 Benjamin Green
9 Elliott Woolhouse
10 Peter Laurence
Buckets Race 3:
1 Dan Jenkins
2 Kane Bentley
3 Paul Jameson
4 Tim Gerard
5 Jarrad Winter
6 Greg Goessi
7 Phil Dittmer
8 Elliott Woolhouse
9 Peter Laurence
10 Peter Harper
Photo via Greymouth Motorcycle Street Race – Facebook page
Pre 63/Post Classic Race 1:
1 Vince Burrell
2 Tony Tutty
3 Matthew Vavasour
4 Lew Grant
5 Jarrad Winter
6 Chris Kinloch
7 Neville Wills
8 Dave Jacobs
9 Butch Woods
10 Peter Laurence
Pre 63/Post Classic Race 2:
1 Matthew Vavasour
2 Vince Burrell
3 Toby Tutty
4 Jarrad Winter
5 Dave Jacobs
6 Neville Wills
7 Lew Grant
8 Butch Woods
9 Neil Batchelor
10 Chris Kinloch
Pre 63/Post Classic Race 3:
1 Vince Burrell
2 Toby Tutty
3 Matthew Vavasour
4 Jarrad Winter
5 Neville Wills
6 Butch Woods
7 Chris Kinloch
8 Dave Jacobs
9 Lew Grant
10 Peter Laurence
Formula 1 Race 1:
1 Jay Lawrence
2 Dan McKenzie
3 Ashton Hughes
4 Tony Howe
5 Jonny Lewis
6 Heath Botica
7 Jake Keller
8 Kevin Leybourne
9 Thomas Langridge
10 Mark Hodgkinson
11 Hamish Tarr
12 Ian Reed
13 Conrad Smith
14 Paul Bishop
15 Clint Davidson
16 Phil Dittmer
17 Kevin Ryan
18 Tony Tomasi
19 Mike Schist
20 Isaac Fisher
Formula 1 Race 2:
1 Jay Lawrence
2 Ashton Hughes
3 Jonny Lewis
4 Tony Howe
5 Craig Thomas
6 Brett Wilson
7 Thomas Langridge
8 Michael Lee
9 Mark Hodgkinson
10 Ian Reed
11 Tony Tomasi
12 Paul Bishop
13 Richard Markham-Barrett
14 Phil Dittmer
15 Mike Schist
16 Peter Harper
Formula 1 Race 3:
1 Jay Lawrence
2 Ashton Hughes
3 Heath Botica
4 Hamish Tarr
5 Michael Lee
6 Tony Howe
7 Brett Wilson
8 Richard Markham-Barrett
9 Craig Thomas
10 Jake Keller
11 Thomas Langridge
12 Mark Hodgkinson
13 Phil Dittmer
14 Paul Bishop
15 Mike Schist
16 Conrad Smith
17 Kevin Leybourne
18 Clint Davidson
19 Peter Harper
Formula 3 Race 1:
1 Ryan Bradshaw
2 Jonny Lewis
3 Steve Hyde
4 Dan Jenkins
5 Heath Botica
6 Phillip Mair
7 Kane Bentley
8 Kevin Leybourne
9 Paul Fisher
10 Anthony Paisley
11 Chris Kinloch
12 Jacob Pierce
13 Vanessa Woodley-Gill
14 Benjamin Green
Formula 3 Race 2:
1 Dan Jenkins
2 Ryan Bradshaw
3 Jonny Lewis
4 Steve Hyde
5 Heath Botica
6 Phillip Mair
7 Paul Fisher
8 Kevin Leybourne
9 Kane Bentley
10 Anthony Paisley
11 Jacob Pierce
12 Chris Kinloch
13 Vanessa Woodley-Gill
14 Benjamin Green
Super Motard Race 1:
1 Scott Wilkins
2 Justin Shaw
3 Craig Ellis
4 Cory Lloyd
5 Colin Gulliver
6 Neville Hughes
7 Alan Henry
8 Jared Cox
9 Craig Morgan
10 Katie Henry
11 Joshua Moulson
12 Craig Thomas
13 Brett Moore
Super Motard Race 2:
1 Justin Shaw
2 Scott Wilkins
3 Craig Ellis
4 Cory Lloyd
5 Colin Gulliver
6 Jared Cox
7 Alan Henry
8 Craig Morgan
9 Neville Hughes
10 Brett Moore
11 Daniel Walker
12 Joshua Moulson
13 Katie Henry
14 Anthony Koel
15 Dave Jacobs
Super Motard Race 3:
1 Justin Shaw
2 Craig Ellis
3 Cory Lloyd
4 Scott Wilkins
5 Jared Cox
6 Daniel Walker
7 Colin Gulliver
8 Alan Henry
9 Neville Hughes
10 Joshua Moulson
11 Katie Henry
12 Craig Morgan
13 Brett Moore
14 Anthony Koel
15 Dave Jacobs
Super Motard Race 4:
1 Scott Wilkins
2 Craig Ellis
3 Daniel Walker
4 Jared Cox
5 Colin Gulliver
6 Justin Shaw
7 Katie Henry
8 Craig Morgan
9 Alan Henry
10 Neville Hughes
11 Joshua Moulson
12 Brett Moore
13 Anthony Koel
Super Motard Race 5:
1 Justin Shaw
2 Craig Ellis
3 Jared Cox
4 Scott Wilkins
5 Cory Lloyd
6 Daniel Walker
7 Colin Gulliver
8 Alan Henry
9 Craig Morgan
10 Joshua Moulson
11 Neville Hughes
12 Katie Henry
Formula Greymouth Race 1:
1 Jay Lawrence
2 Ashton Hughes
3 Dan McKenzie
4 Heath Botica
5 Jonny Lewis
6 Jake Keller
7 Michael Lee
8 Hayden Thorn
9 Craig Thomas
10 Brett Wilson
11 Mark Hodgkinson
12 Thomas Langridge
13 Hamish Tarr
14 Ryan Bradshaw
15 Ian Reed
16 Ryan Carlton
17 Tony Tomasi
18 Steve Hyde
19 Phil Dittmer
20 Kevin Leybourne
21 David Dixon
22 Mike Schist
Formula Greymouth Race 2:
1 Jay Lawrence
2 Ashton Hughes
3 Heath Botica
4 Jonny Lewis
5 Brett Wilson
6 Craig Thomas
7 Mark Hodgkinson
8 Jeremy Kortegast
9 Ryan Bradshaw
10 Thomas Langridge
11 Richard Markham-Barrett
12 Michael Lee
13 Ryan Carlton
14 Hamish Tarr
15 Tony Tomasi
16 Steve Hyde
17 Phil Dittmer
18 Kevin Leybourne
19 Paul Fisher
20 David Dixon
21 Mike Schist
Words by Stevie Rial