Manx GP Top 6: Chris Dixon

Manx GP Top 6: Chris Dixon

Seven times a top 30 TT finisher, 2013 Newcomers A MGP winner Chris Dixon is next to take part in Road Racing News rising in popularity Manx GP Top 6 series.

13th within the Formula 1 Classic TT of 2014, his answers to the Mountain Course themed set of questions are as follows:

Q1: When you first competed at the Manx, what was your first initial thought of the Mountain Course?

“Finally found a course that ticks all the boxes.”

Q2: Most memorable Manx GP bike?

“Has to be the R6 (Yamaha).”

Q3: Most treasured memory from the Manx?

“Coming up the return road and been chuffed just to complete my first race. To then be ushered into the winners enclosure and towards no.1 was unreal especially because I didn’t know.”

Q4: Is there one specific Manx GP competitor that you look up to?

“Dave Milling, couldn’t get a better mentor than an ex MGP winner on a 250.”

Q5: Describe the Manx GP in one word?


Q6: Finally, if you could race one machine from any series, championship around the Mountain Course, what would it be?

“Bruce Anstey’s RCV (Honda).”

Words by Stevie Rial

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