Four times world sidecar champion Pekka Paivarinta is confirmed to compete at the returning Imatra Road Races.
Joined by Kirsi Kainulainen in a BMW powered outfit, Pekka is hugely looking forward to competing around Imatra, as he follows in the footsteps of his father Jorma, who in 1980 sealed world championship points at the iconic road race circuit.
Speaking about his Imatra entry, he said:
“I’m really excited about racing at Imatra, It’s great to see Imatranajo making a comeback. For me it’s even more significant, because of the link to my father.
The atmosphere on road courses is totally different from that of short circuits. We’ll be racing in the city center, the scenery changes and the crowds get really close to the track, which makes it all so special. And of all the tracks I’ve ridden, I’ve never seen a place as beautiful as Imatra’s lime-tree alley.”
Adapting from short circuits to roads circuits, is a challenge that Pekka is relishing.
“You must respect the track and in addition to concentrating on one’s own riding, to also pay closer attention to what’s going on around one’s self. It is going to be really interesting, see you all at Imatranajo.”
Photo by Petri Suuronen
It’s fantastic news for the Imatra Road Races, that one of sidecar racing’s all time greats Pekka Paivarinta will be competing in the sidecar races.
His entry adds a touch of world class quality, to what is set to be a highly memorable meeting, that runs from the 19th to the 21st of August.
Words by Stevie Rial