The Sorry Mate concept was originally formed from the love of all things motorcycle, particularly track racing of Fergus Dalgarno over fifteen years ago.
Fergus as a ‘day job’ is a fully qualified solicitor and as a result regularly received enquiries from unfortunate bikers who’ve been on the wrong end of a ‘Sorry Mate’ type conversation whilst on the road.
As the enquiries increased the name Sorry Mate stuck and it developed into its own trading style as an offshoot of Fergus’s legal practice. It eventually became a standalone legal practice in XXXX and was purchased by our group in January 2020.
Fergus is still very much an active and important member of the team and is still as passionate about bikes and law as ever.
We give free legal advice to all who ask for it; over a quarter of clients who call us are already dealing with a solicitor they were passed to by their insurer or by the other party’s insurer.
Most feel separated from the process; they’re ‘just another client’ or are having difficulty in explaining circumstances of an incident because the lawyer dealing isn’t a biker.
It’s not unusual, when we understand the enquiry, that we recommend the client stay with their current lawyers so it’s not about numbers for us, it’s all to do with looking after a biker’s best interests.
As we’re bikers we both understand the claims process and immediately how an event has happened; we’ve experienced it ourselves at some point. So the bottom line is we’re solicitors’, regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and ride bikes, lots of them. Our job is to help bikers get losses back after an incident when they ask us to.
SMIDSY Membership:
We’ve actually-gone a little further and have our SMIDSY membership. This stands for ‘Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You’ and the card and membership (which is free) allows our followers to access a scheme we operate where preferred partners advertise their products, providing discounts to members and are centred on all things motorcycle.
We also like to keep our followers updated on competitions we run, riders we sponsor, prizes or fund raising we’re involved in.
Air Ambulance Support:
We’re currently supporting air ambulances in the important work they do; to this end we’re re-building a track bike and it will be part of an ongoing raffle that was launched at the Motorcycle Live event in December 2021 where we exhibited.
The draw will take place at the same event (all being well with the world) in December 2022. Anyone interested in purchasing a raffle ticket can register their interest at Win a Suzuki GSX600R Motorbike – Sorry Mate Bike.
We’re also interested in speaking to any manufacturers or suppliers who can donate prizes which will be drawn at the same time as additional prizes. So far, we have a full set of race leathers donated by 3x TT Winner Dean Harrison, a track day from Bike Hire and a power washer from Muc Off.
There is a phenomenal level of generosity within the biker community and the proceeds of all the ticket sales will be going to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance who are friends of Oliver’s Mount and provide such an essential life changing service.
One Nine Four Six Marshals Association Partnership:
The 1946 Marshalls are all volunteers. How dedicated do you have to be to commit your own free time and in some cases travel hundreds of miles, to stand in often inclement weather? ‘Very’ is the answer for without that dedication there would be no racing. At all.
We’ve known the Marshals for what seems like years as we have a regular outdoor stand at race meetings managed by our outdoor events Manager Phil Paxton.
Over the years (and many brews) we’ve come to realise that our interests align in that we’ve both got bikers and biking at the core of what we do.
From one of the conversations the Marshals safety kit was mentioned, and we decided it would be something we’d like to sponsor, our way of contributing and helping the continuation of the work the 1946 Marshalls Association does, improving track safety for riders and spectators too.
Photo courtesy of Phil Paxton
Words courtesy of Phil Paxton

- June 22, 2022
3 minutes read
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