Viewpoint: Was TAS Racing’s Roads Withdrawal, Surprising?

Viewpoint: Was TAS Racing’s Roads Withdrawal, Surprising?

Walking the other day, I pondered the subject of TAS Racing’s withdrawal from real roads activities, decision not to defend their Senior TT crown in 2025.

Firstly, was this news, purported expected reality surprising? It’s complex to answer.

As the saying goes, no one is bigger than the sport, albeit at times this statement seems hard to stick to.

TAS’s new relationship with Ducati, announced at Motorcycle Live last month, immediately peeked optimism for roads scene fans, vividly excited that luxurious Duke’s could be Northwest 200, TT Races bound next year.

Road Racing News contacted Ducati UK regarding this topic and gained a succinct, honest reply, stating that roads outings were not currently planned.

Fast forward two weeks and Crash.Net’s story breaks around TAS Racing focusing solely on BSB next year, taking a sidestep from the roads’ scene.

One intriguing aspect about this is one of TAS’s main sponsors are Milwaukee, Senior TT title race sponsors of recent times.

Will there be a Milwaukee backed team next year at the Northwest 200, TT Races?

TAS Racing are synonymous with pure road racing, it’s in their core DNA, heritage.

Quite clearly though the lure of BSB, challenging for series honours appears higher on their priorities list right now.

Is it a blow for road racing, their non involvement next year? Yes, but teams over the years come and go, 100’s of riders compete on the roads worldwide.

One team’s absence will not detract from the expected thrills on the Triangle, Mountain Course in 2025.

Photo credit: Derek Wilson

Words by Stevie Rial #dontletfearcontrolyou

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