Given it’s New Year’s Eve we at Road Racing News thought we’d offer a bit of light entertainment, in the form of a Bamboozoler quiz.
Now if you’ve been previously listening to our podcast, you will know that bamboozoler means a pretty tough question, so good luck answering the questions posted below!
Q1: Who is the only Romanian racer to have competed at the Manx Grand Prix?
Q2: The last American racer to have raced at Oliver’s Mount is?
Q3: Finland’s fastest Frohburger Dreieck exponent is?
Q4: Just one motorcycle racer has won the BBC Sports Personality of the year award, who is it?
Q5: In what year did Guy Martin make his Oliver’s Mount, Scarborough debut?
Q6: Japan had representation within the Sidecar TT Races of 2007, courtesy of whom?
Q7: Slovenia’s fastest TT competitor is?
Q8: Which multi times British World Champion has triumphed at the famous Spanish roads venue of La Baneza?
Q9: The first Macau Grand Prix Motorcycle winner was?
Q10: Of the Moto GP winners this year, which one has previously competed at an IRRC hosting venue?
Words by Stevie Rial #dontletfearcontrolyou