* 112 racers in total took part.
* Seven nations were represented.
* 39 racers lapped sub 2 minutes.
* 43 competitors scored top three finishes.
* 19 pilots overall, sealed race victories.
* Four of the top six finishers from the Steve Henshaw Gold Cup feature race, were YZF R6 Yamaha powered.
* First time Scarborough victors were Michael Browne, Shaun Anderson, Bailey Harker and Paul Cassidy.
* Dean Harrison how now the same amount of Steve Henshaw Gold Cup victories as namesake, Dean Ashton.
* As showcased previously, Harrison’s new Oliver’s Mount wins total, stands at an incredible 112.
* Lee Crawford’s Scarborough wins CV pushes up to twenty six.
* Will Hartog, victorious in 1978, remains the last overseas Gold Cup winner.
* Yamaha’s Gold Cup wins tally during this Century, expands to eight.
Words by Stevie Rial #dontletfearcontrolyou